Disruptive Windows 11 settings you should disable right away

Windows 11 introduces changes to various settings that may not be well received by all users. These disruptive settings can range from changes in the user interface to new default behaviors that might not align with your workflow or preferences. In this article, we will delve into some of these disruptive Windows 11 settings and guide you on how to disable them.

Hassle-free login process with Windows Hello in Windows 11

2023May8Windows_ALogging in to your Windows 11 computer can be a hassle, especially when you have to remember and enter a complex password every time. Windows Hello is a solution to this problem, as it allows you to log in with a simple biometric authentication method such as facial recognition or fingerprint scanning.

Importance of Windows 11’s TPM requirement

While many users were looking forward to Windows 11 before its release in October 2021, many of them haven't installed or migrated to the new operating system (OS). One possible reason for the slow adoption of the OS is that Microsoft has made it mandatory for devices to have Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 chips.

Exploring Exchange Online: Why small businesses should choose Microsoft’s cloud solution

For years, Microsoft Exchange Server has been the go-to choice for businesses looking to manage their emails, contacts, and calendars efficiently. However, small businesses often saw the complex setup and maintenance of an on-premises server as too daunting and costly.

A quick clean installation guide for Windows 11

A clean installation of Windows 11 is a great way to get your computer running like new again. It involves completely erasing all the data on your hard drive and then reinstalling Windows from scratch, with no software or files left over from previous versions.

How to use Disk Cleanup to speed up your Windows PC

Do you feel like your Windows PC has been slowing down lately? If yes, it might be due to unnecessary files that have been accumulating on your computer. Thankfully, there’s an easy solution: Disk Cleanup. Read on to learn how you can use Disk Cleanup to speed up your PC.
What is the Disk Cleanup tool?
Disk Cleanup is a program designed to help users free up storage space on their computer by deleting temporary and any unneeded files that are taking up valuable disk space.