Microsoft 365 is a cloud-based productivity suite used by many small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). It comes in a wide variety of subscription plans, making it a popular choice for businesses. However, users have expressed some security concerns about storing and accessing data on this platform.
Microsoft Office Delve is useful for SMBs
Is your web browser safe?
How does the cloud support business continuity?

Having a business continuity plan ensures that you have constant access to your business’s data, even when a disaster strikes your locale. Understandably, your choice of backup storage media will be critical to the success of such a plan. In this blog, we’ll discuss why the cloud is the ideal place to keep your company’s data backups.
Get more work done by getting rid of desktop clutter

A cluttered computer desktop can hamper productivity. When various files, folders, and applications are fighting for space on your desktop, it can be difficult to look for the ones you actually need. This affects the way you work and slows you down. Follow these tips to get rid of the mess on your desktop.
Improve your healthcare organization’s productivity with online scheduling
How to change the location settings in Android devices

The location tracking feature in Android smartphones makes it easier to use certain apps like Google Maps and Uber. For example, turning on the location feature on your phone makes it easier for you to locate the nearest diner or bank. However, enabling your phone's location services has security implications.
Why you need the cloud?
Why you need the cloud?When talking to our clients, we have noticed that SMBs often think the cloud is something for their bigger counterparts to explore. We hear objections like, “But, it’s too complicated.”, “The cloud sounds expensive.”, “We are a small business, we don’t think we need the cloud.
5 Settings every new iPad owner should change

Apple’s iPadOS has been through countless updates over the years. It can be difficult to keep up with all the new features and settings, so we don’t blame you for feeling overwhelmed when setting up your new iPad. Although every user has different preferences, there are at least five settings most people should be using.
Don’t sign up with that MSP just yet!
Don’t sign up with that MSP just yet!The decision to sign up with a MSP is a big one--you are essentially trusting someone with the backbone of your business–your technology infrastructure, so you need to make sure you pick someone with whom you can have a mutually beneficial, long-term relationship.