“Black Dot” crashes iOS messaging app

An emoji encrypted with a series of hidden codes has been reported to disable and crash the messaging apps of Apple Macs, iPads, and iPhones. Read on to discover how you can address this problem before it does severe damage to your device.

What is going on?
A bug, known as "Black Dot,” is locking the messaging app on Apple devices running iOS 11.3 and 11.4 beta with Apple TVs and Apple Watches also at risk.

The cloud and virtualization, simplified

Cloud computing and virtualization are similar but not interchangeable. Both have their own benefits, so it’s worth learning how each technology works. With this knowledge, you can make the most out of your technology investment.
Imagine a company with five servers, each assigned a single task such as storage, email, etc.

Apple and your privacy: What do they know

With the recent U.S. Senate inquiry into Facebook's perceived violations, concerns about online privacy are once again thrust into the spotlight. Apple, Google, Amazon, and other tech companies also gather data on their users, so if you’re using Mac or iPhone, you may wonder: How much information does Apple have about you?
What Facebook & Google Know
Let’s first look at what Facebook knows about you.