7 Ways to get more retweets

It can be discouraging for any business to post a thoughtful tweet in the morning just to see that it barely has any retweets by the end of the day. Even after hours of compiling the best 140 characters your company can think of, are you still not getting any hits? There are many tricks to maximizing your tweet’s exposure and if your company’s Twitter account is hungry for retweets, consider using a few of these tactics to increase your chances.

What are Office 365 Connectors?

Recently, Microsoft announced a new feature in Office 365 Groups called Connectors. As part of their new openness mantra, Office 365 Connectors allows you to connect with popular third party services without ever having to leave your Outlook client. This means relevant content and updates that you want are sent immediately to your group feed, making workflow more seamless.

10 Tools to help you get ahead in social media

Social media marketing can be time consuming. You may spend hours upon hours trying to get it right and still see little growth in your followers. So what can you do to be more effective and save time in the process? Here are ten tools that can streamline your social media efforts and even offer guidance.