Cloud computing can be a great way to save money, improve efficiency, and scale your business. But with so many different cloud service models available, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. To help you make the best decision, here is a guide to the three main types of cloud service models and how they can help your business.
A guide to choosing the best cloud service model for your needs
Windows 10 versions: How are they different?

Buyers are not short of choices when it comes to Windows products. Apart from the long list of apps available in the Microsoft Store, there are also multiple options for the Windows 10 operating system (OS). Windows 10 comes in different tiers — Home, Pro, and S — and each was made to address specific needs and lifestyles.
What hyperconverged infrastructure can do for SMBs

Thorough IT infrastructure builds tend to be cost-prohibitive and consequently, difficult to justify for many businesses. Hyperconvergence is a great alternative to traditional IT builds, both in terms of cost and robustness.
What are hyperconverged infrastructures?
In a traditional IT environment, networking, server, and storage hardware need to be purchased separately and configured to work together as a cohesive system.
Why more businesses should virtualize
Difficulties when backing up a virtual server

Many small businesses have embraced data virtualization over the past few years. And as with any kind of business data, virtualized data needs to be protected from disaster, cybercrime, and human error and, therefore, needs backup. When backing up your virtualized data, there are some most common difficulties you need to prepare for.