
Answer this before office virtualization

We won’t waste your time asking if you know what virtualization is. Someone has probably already brought it to your attention. Maybe it was your IT department suggesting it as a way to reduce downtime, or perhaps it was a competitor bragging about how it helped their company improve its bottom line.

4 facts about HIPAA and your IT

While HIPPA’s implementation in relation to technology has been problematic to say the least, things have become much clearer over the course of the past year. However, there are still a few areas in which your office might not be compliant. This isn’t necessarily through negligence on your part, but rather simply a lack of understanding as to the requirements.

More payment options come to Samsung

As mobile payments move ever closer to becoming the norm for settling bills and undertaking financial transactions, Google Wallet and Apple Pay continue to be the services that hog the limelight. While it may appear on the surface that these are the only popular options, Samsung Pay is also getting in on a slice of the NFC-technology action.

Telemedicine 101

Traditionally, healthcare delivery has been based on a face-to-face meeting between patients and physicians in a hospital or clinic. But the latest advancements in medical technology has altered how and where healthcare is delivered. Nowadays, patients expect to interact with physicians and receive medical recommendations and treatments via the phone and online channels - this approach is known as ‘telemedicine’. If you’re looking to improve the level of patient service and satisfaction in your healthcare business, then read on.

4 benefits of online scheduling

As healthcare practices across the nation continue to find out, patients place ever-diminishing levels of importance on care alone. While it is and will forever be a factor that influences a person’s decision, convenience has become another key area patients look at when choosing a healthcare facility.

Microsoft launches Office 2016 for Mac

Mac users who have been using Office 2011 now have a reason to smile: Microsoft finally released the latest Office 2016 for Mac in September. Office 2016 is packed with powerful new features for Microsoft’s core applications, including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook, all of which are designed to run and perform seamlessly on the Mac platform.

The Paradigm Shift in How We Do Support

Technology is changing the way we do business now more than ever. Fast Internet access from various devices to the abundance of applications allowing us to connect remotely to another computer, just like we were there, have caused a major paradigm shift in the way support is handled.